The Divine Mercy Catholic Shrine is appealing for support to relocate and rebuild the magnificent 1924 Roberts organ. This intricate work includes restoring original pipework, updating the console, and enhancing its historic tonal qualities.
Restoration Highlights
Refurbishment of pipework to preserve original sound.
Overhaul of the console and installation of modern control systems.
Reassembly and fine-tuning for optimum performance in its new home.
This project is not just about restoring an organ, but reviving a community asset that will resonate with music lovers, support local events, and serve as an educational resource.
Every Donation Counts
Donations above $2 are tax-deductible.
Contribute via cheque or card, or through the OHTA Trust Account.
Contact Details
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 08 9571 8068 | Fr Paul Fox: 0427085093
For more details, please visit the current restoration appeals page.