Planning is now under way for next year’s OHTA conference and a sub-committee is meeting regularly to determine the itinerary and to begin making necessary arrangements. The conference will start on Monday 29 September and conclude on Saturday 4 October in time to reach Sydney airport by about 4.30 pm. The areas that will be explored are to the west and south west of Sydney, and the programme will include some instruments that have rarely been visited, or that have recently benefitted from major work. On Sunday 28 September, additional afternoon visits to two significant organs in central Sydney are being planned.
One issue to be discussed during the conference is the rapid growth in the number of redundant organs arising from church closures and from changes in worship styles.
For the latest details, watch the OHTA web site and Facebook page. Although a brochure will be included in the next issue of OHTA News, the preferred method of booking will be online through Trybooking. OHTA will not be able to able to accept cheques for payment.