Uniting Church, Westbourne Park – exterior
(Photograph by Trevor Bunning (October 2019)]
Historical and Technical Documentation by David Shield and John Maidment
© OHTA 1999, 2018, 2019 (last updated October 2019)
The Methodist cause in Westbourne Park began in 1912, when worship took place in the kiosk of the local Price Memorial football oval. Opening services in the first church building, constructed of iron with asbestos lining, were held on 15 June 1913.1 The foundation stone of the present church was laid on 14 February 19252 and the building was opened on 15 August the same year. The architect was P.R. Claridge.3
Methodist Church, Westbourne Park (1925), with the original church (1913) to the left.
Banner advertises opening Saturday 15 August
[Photograph by Krischock, State Library of South Australia B2929;
from Chronicle (22 August 1925), p. 39.]
The building was enlarged through the addition of a chancel, vestries and porches and was reopened in March 1939.4 It has since been enlarged through the introduction of lateral extensions and the seating now faces across the building.
Uniting Church, Westbourne Park – interior
[Photograph by Simon Colvin (October 2019)]
First Organ.
The first pipe organ, built by Gunstar Organ Works of Plympton, was opened in March 1939. It was rebuilt in 1954 by J.E. Dodd & Sons Gunstar Organ Works. The instrument was sold in 1994 but remained in the church until 1996, when it was removed to the residence of J. George, Swan Reach.
Uniting Church, Westbourne Park – Pogson organ
[Photograph by Trevor Bunning (October 2019)]
Present Organ.
The present organ was built in 1996 by Roger H. Pogson, of Orange, NSW and was the final new instrument built by the firm. The case is of Victorian Ash, with fretted pipe shades. The drawstops are fitted with porcelain inserts.
Uniting Church, Westbourne Park – console
[Photograph by Simon Colvin (October 2019)]
Uniting Church, Westbourne Park – builder's nameplate
[Photograph by Trevor Bunning (October 2019)]
GREAT Principal Rohr Flute Octave Sifflute Mixture Trumpet Swell to Great SWELL Gedackt Spillflute Gemshorn Principal Quint Sesquialtera Tremulant PEDAL Sub Bass Principal Choral Bass Gedackt Posaune Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal |
8 8 4 2 IV 8 8 8 4 2 1-1/3 II 16 8 4 16 |
Compass: 56/30
Mechanical key and stop action
Attached drawstop console
Balanced mechanical swell pedal
Wind pressure: 65mm.5
Uniting Church, Westbourne Park – left-hand stop jamb
[Photograph by Trevor Bunning (October 2019)]
Uniting Church, Westbourne Park – right-hand stop jamb
[Photograph by Trevor Bunning (October 2019)]
1 Daily Herald (20 June 1813), p. 3; Australian Christian Commonwealth (11 July 1913), p. 15.
2 The Mail (14 February 1925), p. 10; The Advertiser (16 February, 1925), p. 6.
3 The Advertiser (17 August 1925), p. 11.
4 News (11 March 1939), p. 2; The Mail (11 March 1939), p. 8.
5 Specification noted by David Shield, 1999, and checked against Trevor Bunning photographs.