Immanuel College Chapel – Novar Gardens – exterior
[Photograph by Trevor Bunning (October 2019)]
Historical and Technical Documentation by David Shield and John Maidment
© OHTA 1986, 2019 (last updated October 2019)
Immanuel College was founded at Point Pass in 1895 and moved to Adelaide in 1921, establishing on its present site in 1957. It is a leading co-educational boarding school affiliated with the Lutheran Church of Australia.1 The chapel is an impressive lofty structure built from reinforced concrete and brick in the brutalist style. It was designed by noted architect Sir Eric von Schramek (1921-2010) of von Schramek & Dawes.2
Immanuel College Chapel – Novar Gardens – interior and organ from gallery
[Photograph by Trevor Bunning (October 2019)]
The organ was built by Peter Collins, of Redbourn, Hertfordshire, UK, and is placed high up in a side gallery. It was opened on 21 September 1980.3 Collins exported a number of instruments to four Australian states in the late 1970s and 1980s, of which this is the second largest example after the instrument at Toorak Uniting Church, Melbourne, built shortly beforehand.4 The case incorporates pipe shades and glass swell shutters.
Immanuel College Chapel – Novar Gardens – organ
[Photograph by Trevor Bunning (October 2019)]
MANUAL I (HAUPTWERK) Quintadena Prinzipal Rohr Flöte Octav Hohl Flöte Quinte Gemshorn Terz Mixtur Trompete Tremulant II/I MANUAL II (SCHWELLWERK) Holzgedeckt Salicional Prinzipal Gedeckt Flöte Oktav Spitz Quinte Cymbel Schalmei Tremulant PEDAL Subbass Oktav Pommer Spitzoktav Fagott I/P II/P II/P Octave |
16 8 8 4 4 2-2/3 2 1-3/5 IV 8 8 8 4 4 2 1-1/3 II 8 16 8 8 4 16 |
Compass: 56/30
Mechanical key and stop action
Attached drawstop console
Balanced swell pedal.5
Immanuel College Chapel – Novar Gardens – console
[Photograph by Trevor Bunning (October 2019)]
Immanuel College Chapel – Novar Gardens – console detail
[Photograph by Trevor Bunning (October 2019)]
1 - accessed 3 August 2019.
2 - accessed 3 August 2019.
3 Immanuel College Chapel, Novar Gardens, 'Organ Dedication, Sunday September 21 1980.' [Service leaflet].
4 'P.D. Collins and his Work in Australia,' OHTA News, vol. 3, nos. 3 & 4 (July & October 1979), pp. 40-42.
5 Specification from 'Organ Dedication' [Service Leaflet], updated following visit October 2019.