The 1993 Ian Wardle organ built for the residence of David Gallasch
[Photograph by Ian Wardle (September 2017)]
Historical and Technical Documentation by Ian Wardle
© OHTA 2019 (last updated September 2019)
Built in 1993 as a practice organ for the residence of the late David Gallasch, Everard Park, SA, by Ian Wardle, this organ was removed to the builder's residence at Paracombe, SA in 2016. It was purchased by the present owner and moved to his residence at Dernan Court in 2018.
The builder is also responsible for the wooden pipework in the organ at St Mary's Catholic Church, Jindera, NSW.
The organ features mechanical key and stop action to the manuals and electric action to the pedals. The instrument is housed in casework featuring recessed panels in Tasmanian Oak, with pipe shades in Australian Red Cedar.
The specification is as follows:
Manual I |
8 4 1-1/3 8 8 16 8 |
Compass: 56/30
Mechanical action (manuals)
Electric action (pedals)