St Luke's Anglican Church

High Street, Campbell Town

B. 1862 J.W. Walker, London (job no. 698).
1m., 7, pedal pulldowns, tr. Man:

Historical and Technical Documentation by John Maidment
© OHTA (last updated May 2011)

St Luke's Anglican Church, Campbell Town : exterior
[photograph by Trevor Bunning (2009)]

St Luke's Anglican Church, Campbell Town : exterior showing tower
[photograph by Trevor Bunning (28 April 2011)]

St Luke's Anglican Church, Campbell Town : exterior view from east
[photograph by Trevor Bunning (2009)]

St Luke's was completed in 1839 to the design of the colonial architect John Lee Archer.1 Constructed of brick, it incorporates a large tower at the west end with prominent octagonal pinnacles and a spacious aisled interior. The stained glass windows include a very rare example of the work of Arial Rosenkranz (1870-1964).2

St Luke's Anglican Church, Campbell Town : interior view from west
[photograph by Trevor Bunning (28 April 2011)]

St Luke's Anglican Church, Campbell Town : stained glass window by Arial Rosenkranz
[photograph by Trevor Bunning (28 April 2011)]

St Luke's Anglican Church, Campbell Town : organ
[photograph by Trevor Bunning (28 April 2011)]

The organ was built in 1862 by J.W. Walker, London. A generous account of the opening appeared in the local press:

On Sunday last, 7th inst., the congregation of St. Luke's Church enjoyed at morning service some sacred music, to which the members had for some time past been anxiously looking forward. For the first time in public the new organ was played, and under the skilful hands of Mr. Sharp, who had kindly come from Launceston expressly for the purpose, gave forth such strains as well rewarded those who by their active exertions and liberality had provided such a benefit to the church.

The organ was built by Walker of London, and purchased by private subscriptions of the members of the congregation of St. Luke's, who, almost without exception, contributed most cheerfully, assisted by the proceeds of one or two amateur concerts. The following is a description of the instrument:-

The scale is unique in Tasmania and rare even in England, extending from FFF to G, five octaves and two semitones.

One, Double Diapason, wood stopt pipes, FF, 51 pipes
Two, Stopt Diapason, metal treble, FFF, 63 pipes
Three, Open Diapason, metal communicated, FF 51 pipes
Four, Dulciana, metal communicated, tenor C, 44 pipes
Five, Principals, metal, FFF, 63 pipes
Six, Flutes, wood stopt, DFF, 51 pipes
Seven, mixture, three ranks, metal, FF, 153 pipes
Two Octaves of pedals.
Three composition pedals.
Enclosed in general swell, front speaking pipes.
The workmanship and materials of the best quality. The pipes are of the best spotted metal, and those of wood are all made of cedar.
The tone of the double diapason is similar to an ordinary stopt diapason, subdued and sweet.
The metal stopt diapason is a fine stop of peculiar quality of tone, round, rich and telling.
The open diapason is the leading stop, bold, penetrating and admirably adapted for leading the voices.
The dulciana is of a lovely, gentle, reedy quality of tone, forming with the stopt diapason and flute, a beautiful soft combination.
The addition of the flute and principal render the organ all that can be required in a small church, as a support to the Psalmody, and the addition of the mixture brings out is full power, which is really surprising for an instrument of this size. The full tone is lively, sparkling and really brilliant.3

The ledger books of the firm of J.W. Walker record that the order was for Mr. Wm. Valentine and invoiced on 24 June 1862, at which time the instrument would have been complete. The organ was the firm's job number 698.4 The order had previously been placed on 17 December 1861, ordered by Saml. Foulger – 133 St. Georges St. East and Bruce House – Highbury New Park.5

The order further records:

All the metal pipes of best spotted metal
In a plain stained and varnished Case to imitate dark oak speaking pipes in front, the whole made of the best materials & workmanship.
Including Cartage to Docks – Net [£] 150
Packing & Packing Cases 10% on Cost [£] 15
Adding Third rank (15th.) to Mixture 51 pipes [£] 3 10
A set of Bourdon Vibrators for an Harmonium CCC, 5 octaves of full organ [£]2 - -
[total] [£] 170 10 –

The organ was sent in four packing cases from the London Docks on June 24th. For shipment per "Asphodel" for Launceston, the cased marked WV [= William Valentine]. It was the firm's job number 698.

St Luke's Anglican Church, Campbell Town : organ console
[photograph by Trevor Bunning (28 April 2011)]

St Luke's Anglican Church, Campbell Town : J.W. Walker brass nameplate
[photograph by John Maidment (28 April 2011)]

In 1883, the casework of the organ was varnished and the facade pipes diapered.6 The instrument survives unaltered. Restoration work was completed by Hans Meijer in 1998.7

Double Diapason
Open Diapason
Stopd Diapason
Mixture 15.19.22


gvd. bass
tone open treble
gvd. bass

12.15 from Mid.C up

compass: FF -g³ 63 notes / FF-f 25 notes8
pedal pulldowns
3 composition pedals
trigger swell lever
mechanical key & stop action
spotted metal pipework

St Luke's Anglican Church, Campbell Town : detail of pipe decoration
[photograph by Trevor Bunning (28 April 2011)]

St Luke's Anglican Church, Campbell Town : detail of pipe decoration
[photograph by Trevor Bunning (28 April 2011)]

1 The Heritage of Australia, p.7/98

2 Noted by John Maidment 2002

3 The Mercury, 11 December 1862, p.2

4 J.W. Walker ledger book AA. The Bourdon vibrators (reeds) were presumably for a harmonium. The ledger books of J.W. Walker & Sons Ltd are housed at the firm's offices at Brandon, Suffolk where this information was accessed by John Maidment in 1980

5 J.W. Walker [estimate book?], p.28

6 Launceston Examiner, 19 July 1883, p.2

7 Launceston Examiner, 14 November 1998

8 Details noted by John Maidment 1970